Clouds Clouds Clouds

15 JANUARY 2018

Under the most difficult technical and meteorological conditions and faced with huge logistical challenges, MOOSMAIR GmbH is making a significant contribution to various stages involved in the realization of the Klein Matterhorn 3S construction project.

For example, despite the capricious weather conditions, our team of experienced engineers assembled tower 3 in record time. The task required a 50-metre construction crane to be transported to the site and installed in the very limited space available.

Another job involved transporting the cables for the new 3S cableway from Cervinia in Italy to Lake Cime Bianche (also in Italy). At 80 tonnes each, the cable reels were too heavy to be transported by a single truck from Cervinia to Lake Cime Bianche, so the individual cables first had to be transferred to two smaller bobbins and loaded onto two connected trucks before being re-spooled onto the original reel at their destination.

Last but not least, work began on the installation of the machinery for the mountain station and is due to be completed on schedule by our engineers.