Leitner DirectDrive

Bahnbrechende Antriebstechnik für die 3S Bahn 

Clouds Clouds Clouds

09 MAY 2016

Zermatt's 3S cableway will be powered by the exclusive LEITNER DirectDrive system, a unique cableway drive mechanism without a gearbox, which is low-maintenance and almost entirely noise-free. 

The DirectDrive system comprises a low-speed synchronous motor, the output shaft of which is connected directly to the cable sheave. Zermatt Bergbahnen AG already relies on LEITNER’s DirectDrive in other systems, including the Hirli 6-seater chairlift built in December 2015.

The system contains only three moving parts (the rotor and two bearings), which rotate at the same speed as the sheave. This completely dispenses with the need for the quantities of engine oil associated with a conventional planetary gear box. The electric motor is characterized by absolute redundancy and availability. The rotor is equipped with permanent magnets, the stator has a segmented design consisting of eight independent segments, each with three winding units which can be individually replaced. The braking system comprises a service brake and a safety brake, both of which act directly on the drive sheave and are equipped with their own independent hydraulic systems.

The 3S system can use up to two drive sheaves. A separate independent drive can be applied to each of the sheaves if necessary. The same applies to the emergency/evacuation drive system. This redundant drive increases the safety of the overall system.

Like all LEITNER 3S cableways, the Zermatt model also has a single hauling cable. The hauling cable has an impressively long service life and low maintenance costs. It passes over the support towers on patented rollers featuring a damping system which reduces the amount of cable vibration and increases passenger comfort. At the same time, the system also protects the support cables and reduces maintenance costs. The system also features improved garaging functions. The points only have to be switched once, resulting in reduced workload and less wear.